09 April 2012

April 9th - "Younger You"

Younger me liked to underline stuff in his bible(s). Very neatly. But it became more about how it looked than what I was actually underlining. So older me just reads now and saves the underlining for more scholarly types.


  1. I love this interpretation of younger you. I was the same way about things. Maybe then I felt I was more churched for being more colorful with my bible (and I had a lot of colored highlighters) - I even wrote notes next to the underlines that said things like 'so true!" as if the pink highlight wasn't enough. But I'm glad I did that - because now I can look back and understand young me better. (will much older me thing current me is boring?)

    1. I don't know that my highlighting and quotes written on the inside cover help me understand younger me any better. Maybe just help me see the progression of what I find important? Not that I totally begrudge younger me, because without him I might not be current me. Hopefully future us will look on current us with such fond tolerance. :)
