18 January 2012

As it usually goes with me, I have been a huge blogslacker. To be fair to the interwebs, I'm equally horrible at keeping a paper and pen journal. But instead of repeating my usual pattern with that medium - ripping out the pages of past editions so I can start "fresh" - I feel free to just pick up with the blog where I left off. In this case, it was a somewhat misdirected rant about a local news story. Hmm. At least we're going to start things off on a strong note here in 2012 - my mouth tastes weird.

Yes, that's the foremost thing on my mind this brave morning. I was driving home from work when I became aware of a gross taste in my nose & mouth. I can't place the exact nature of this taste, because I find myself unfamiliar with it. I'm assuming it can be partially attributed to the fact that I just got done working 16 hours in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania - a clean air center if there ever was one. Lord knows what kind of industrial cleaning agents they're atomizing through the oil refineries as they prepare to shut them down. But the part about my brain that really made me laugh as I was contemplating this gross taste was: "I wonder if this means I'm about to have a seizure?" Right. Good news, though - it's been almost an hour and still not seizure activity. So I think I may be in the clear. The bad news - a big glass of milk and some fudge Pop Tarts haven't managed to cleanse my chemically palate. Next up: antiseptic mouth wash and a couple more hours of sleep. Hopefully when I return to society at 11am, I taste minty and fresh. Or at least neutral.

You don't have to tell me. I know you're all (both) happy that I'm back to sharing my wisdom with the world wide web.

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