14 May 2012

May 14 - "Grass"

If I would've planned ahead, I probably would've saved the picture from Saturday for today and found something else that makes me happy. But I didn't. So, for the second lackluster day in a row, I bring you a rerun. But this picture is actually the first thing I thought about when I saw the word "grass". Because flipping through my DG albums and seeing all of the dead, yellow grass through the winter and then getting to spring time and seeing this shock of colour is always stunning. Not quite as stunning as the fact that I used to have friends who would go play disc golf with me, but you know. (* that makes two jabs at my responsible, grown up friends this week. Just wanted to acknowledge that.)

13 May 2012

May 13 - "Mum"

I thought about being a wise guy and posting a picture of a hardy mum today. But being's as I already commented, several weeks ago, on how I'm an anglophile - I don't suppose anyone would've bought it as coming from a place of ignorance.

Part of my mother's day gift to my mum, while we ate an extravagant lunch at Ruby Tuesday this afternoon, was not pulling out my camera and taking a picture to use for a blog post. So you'll have to make due with this throwback photo. And before you ask, yes, I do still have that outfit. And I'm wearing it right now.

Happy mother's day!

12 May 2012

May 12 - "Something That Makes You Happy"

In the past, whether shoveling snow or mowing the lawn, I'll put in the extra 5 minutes and clear the back alley for our neighbor Bob. Bob's a truck driver and often gets up very early or works very late - sometimes both. I don't do this extra work because I want praise for it - in fact, I probably would feel really awkard if it was ever actually acknowledged to my face. It's just something I can do to be a good neighbor and show a little Jesus.

Today, I woke up knowing that I needed to mow the lawn. As I got my shoes on, I was trying to decide whether I wanted to do the back bit (which really needed it) first or second. Then as I went out the back door to fetch the lawn mower - I saw that I didn't have a decision to make. Because Bob had apparently mowed our back lawn this morning when he did his. And you know, that genuinely made me happy. Not just because it meant that I didn't have to do it, but also because it means that our neighbors do notice the little things and they think enough of us to return the favor.

11 May 2012

May 11 - "Kitchen"

The evening that we settled on our house, 2 years ago now, we walked in to find that the bathroom drain pipe over our kitchen was leaking. "Welcome home!!" Luckily, our new house came with a home warranty, so repairs would be covered. Not covered, however, was gaining access to the pipe. So my dad helped my take down the cabinets and expose the offending plumbing. We planned on make several improvements in the kitchen anyway, so we weren't necessarily concerned about being careful. One such improvement planned was getting rid of this ugly green formica. Ugly, green and cracked as a result of our creative removal. Fastforward to today - yup, that's the same ugly, green, cracked formica. And the worst part is that it's not that we don't have the money put aside to get this project done. It's just that, thus far, I've lacked the actual motivation to put the wheels in motion. The rest of the kitchen looks passible, if not nice. Maybe one of these days I'll actually finish the job! (Or pay someone who knows what they're doing to do it.)

10 May 2012

May 10 - A Favourite Word

Two days this week with a picture of text. Sorry.

This post will be equal (or less than equal) parts truth and snark. FYI.

I like the word "sincerely". I went through a phase of writing letters to people, mostly because I got tired of how simple emails were. You could type them without thought. So instead of meaning something, it basically ended up being an endless stream of consciousness where you ended up knowing EVERYTHING going on in someone's life instead of hearing actual intelligent thoughts.

A good portion of the letter I wrote were to my friend Sarah, who as chance would have it was studying abroad in France. I signed some, if not most, of the letters with the word "sincerely" - because those letters were just that; sincere. I thought long and hard about what I wrote - not with any ulterior motive or goal in mind, other than communicating with a friend in a far away place.

So what brought the word "sincerely" to mind today? Why, it was a letter - which is what this picture is of. It was written to inform me that my rear driveway (which I already spent $20 fixing potholes in a couple weeks ago) is "violation of the Driveway Ordinance" and must be fixed within 45 days, or I'll receive a citation. Did I mention this "sincere" letter starts off as most deeply personal things do: "Dear Propert Owners." My heart is touched.

So yes. I like sincerely. I like it better when it's applied properly... nay, sincerely.

09 May 2012

May 9 - "Something You Do Every Day"

Some five or so years ago, we got a dog. For the first several weeks we owned said dog, I took her for walks in the morning and at night - dutifully chanting, "Just go poo... just go poo...." as I'd read in some masochistic dog training book. Once she got the knack of going outside, walks sort of segued into me opening the door and waiting for her to do her thing and come back. Our frequent (read: almost daily) trips to various disc golf courses filled the exercise need in Jessie's life and everything was grand.

But then the great snows of Winter 2011 fell upon us and disc golf was made difficult, if not impossible. So as a means of filling the void, Jessie and I started taking walks again. Mostly around the neighborhood - a veritable cornucopia of streets and alleys - but occasionally down through the John Heinz wildlife refuge as well. And all this walking led to a very horrible thing - I now have a dog who doesn't just like going for a walk each day, but rather a dog who needs to go for a walk each day. If we miss it for whatever reason - be it busyness or be it torrential downpours - bad things happen. Not during the day, mind you. During the day we can sit on the couch watching Netflix and dozing in and out of sleep. But then around 9:30pm, she becomes what we like to refer to as "crazy dog". This manifests in multiple ways - including, but not limited to: running figure 8 laps between the dining room & living room (around the table and up over the couch), attempting to murder stuffed animals and lick attacks (which are normally sort of gross, but when your dog consider cat poop on of the 3 major food groups in her life - so much worse).

So anyways, that was a long story for a simple sentence. What do I do everyday? Walk the dog. (And if I happen to miss it, God help us all!)

08 May 2012

May 8 - "A Smell You Adore"

There's lots of smells I like. Only a few I adore. Pipe smoke is one of the latter. Both for it's odor and also for the memories associated with it. So many wonderful, late night conversations with Patrick. Bird watching with Bill at the John Heinze Wildlife Refuge. Poker with the fellas.

Yes, I know smoking is bad for you. So are a lot of things that we do every day. All things in moderation, people.

And lastly, people often ask me what flavor tobacco I smoke. To answer this question, I defer back to Mr. Crawford who taught me: There are two kinds of tobacco - one smells good to everyone around you but tastes like garbage and one tastes good but only smells good to real pipe smokers. Guess which one is in my pipe?

07 May 2012

May 7 - "Someone Who Inspires You"

This topic puzzled me. Inspire could be taken many different ways.

If it wouldn't have been disruptive to those around me, I might've tried to a take a picture of the women who sat in front of us at when we went to see The Avengers this afternoon. Bringing your 3 children - approximate ages 5, 3 and < 1 years old - to a loud, violent, PG-13 movie inspires lots of thoughts. Most probably not fit for public consumption.

No, let's not taken inspiration down that road. Let's be positive.

So this picture is a little packet of orange papers I've had for over 2 years now. I got these pages at a worship leaders retreat in Asheville, NC during an afternoon workshop on creativity lead by a fellow called Terry Butler. The first year we went to the retreat, Terry lead worship at one or two of our sessions and he wasn't a guy that I thought I'd gravitate towards. To begin with, he's one of the original Vineyard guys - so he's a good 20 years older than me. On top of that, he plays keyboard. Keyboardists and I have a tenuous relationship, mostly because I tend to associate keyboard music with the sort of cheesy sounding worship music that I can do without. But as I looked at the list of optional workshops for the day, this one just sounded interesting to me and I decided to give it a go.

I'm not sure I remember much about the actual workshop that afternoon. There was probably some discussion, probably some laughs, probably some exercises. But what I really got from it was Terry. Here's this guy who is just plan interested in worshipping Jesus and helping others do the same. He navigates his way through A.D.D. (literally diagnosed, not just jokingly stated), depression and bipolar disorder and still comes out praising God. Note - he doesn't do this in spite of these issues; he does it in the midst them. No shiny coating, no subversive ways around life. Just living. And living beautifully.

Honestly, his outlooks (and many other interactions with him in the years that have followed) have shaped the way I approach worship in more ways than anyone else. So I hang on to these pages and read through them every now and again when I start to lose perspective or inspiration. Because, really, there's nothing better than perspective given by someone who literally has no filter! I'll end with the closing paragraph from these old orange papers. Hope you're inspired to do something creative too.

So, go on and LIVE CREATIVELY! Read children's books. Take the long way home. Save up and go to Russia! Make dinner for a bunch of your friends sometime soon. Take a bubble bath. Learn to paint. Visit a great museum of art. Start a book club. Visit a Monastery and walk the stations of the Cross. Go a whole day without speaking. Read the Book of Common Prayer and begin writing prayers to be used corporately. Keep a prayer journal with you wherever you go. Save all your Starbucks money and buy a winter coat for someone who can't afford one. Sing out loud at Borders or Barnes and Nobles. Live with wild abandon! Perspire and inspire. Let this be something that could be said of you at your funeral someday, "What a ride!"

06 May 2012

May 6 - "You"

How could I not pay homage to The Breakfast Club with a topic like this? There's not much else to say, besides:

"Who are you... Who ARE you... I am a walrus."

05 May 2012

May 5 - "Bird"

We found ourselves in Philadelphia (for a change) today - in order to attend a training seminar at the West Philly Vineyard. As we were leaving, Melissa mentioned she was hoping that she'd see a "city bird" (pigeon) to take the photo of the day. Just then, I looked across the street and saw this cool building with a concrete owl built into the ledge, presumably to keep those other city birds away. Tried to get a picture, but it's not too clear. So we'll call it art. Enjoy.

(PS: The concrete owl must be doing it's job. Missy didn't get a pigeon picture.)

04 May 2012

May 4 - "Fun!!!"

Woah. It's Friday night and I actually did something that could be classified as "fun" to someone other than people who think sitting on the couch and watching Fringe is fun. (Which, judging by the fact that it's been uncertain whether or not it would be cancelled after this season, isn't too many.) But I digress.

Tonight we had a fundraiser at our church called "Quizzo With A Heart". $15 a head to play and all proceeds go to  Love 146 - an organization of modern day abolitionists. No booze, which I'm pretty sure is what usually makes Quizzo awesome, but it was still pretty fun.

When it came time to pick a team name, we decided to give a nod to this weekend being the release of The Avengers - especially since our team happened to have 6 members! (For the non-nerds: There are six members of the Avengers in the new movie - The Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow & Hawkeye.) To add a small degree of wit, I did a take on the tag line "Avengers Assemble" and named our team, "Avengers.. resemble?" Again, I'm pretty sure anyone who isn't a nerd wouldn't get this at all. But I did. Draw your own conclusion.

There was word of a "best dressed team" award, so of course we dressed up. As our friend Christi (Black Widow) put it - not actual costumes, but kind of like the Power Rangers when they went to school. Some of us got a little more into it than others, as evidenced by this photo of my lovely wife wearing a collander with wings taped to it. Those big green fists and my (kelly green) Eagles throwback jersey were my take on The Hulk.

(One last word to the geeks: Thor with hulk fists? What is she, a Skrull?!)

Obviously, we won the best dressed award. Which was a small consolation considering it's a trivia contest and I consider myself a pretty trivial guy. We did not win the trivia contest part. Though, in fairness, I did get some pretty obscure answers correct and our team (thanks to myself and Ms. Jessica Scott) swept the "Movies of the 90's" category - which is pretty much validation of an entire decade of my life.

Hope you had half as much fun tonight!

03 May 2012

May 3 - "Something You Wore Today"

A rare appearance on day work today (and tomorrow) in order to accomodate an early morning conference on Saturday. This made the choice for what to wear today a lot easier: "Hmm.... I think I'll go with the navy blue polyester!"

These normally fashionable trousers are now even more attractive thanks to a smart looking reflective stripe down the hem. The official reason for this is highway safety, but the actual reason is that too many guys were wearing their uniform pants at their other part time jobs. (Which I don't suppose would be a huge problem, except when you damage them while working that part time job and then make your full time employer pay for the repairs. That's what we call fraud!) I guess the idea is supposed to be that if you wear these at your other job, it'll be easier for people (who make more money than me) to spot your indiscretion.

So here's to you, people who have too many jobs and too little integrity!

I always suspected my uniform would look that much more professional if I got to wear track pants with it anyway.

02 May 2012

May 2 - "Skyline"

On most days, we have a decent view of the Philly skyline from our house. (We're maybe 10 minutes from downtown.) But unfortunately, it's rather overcast and drizzly today. So instead of majestic skyscrapers, I present you with the fake chimney on our house against the beautiful gray sky. B-E-A-utiful.

01 May 2012

May 1st - "Peace"

I walk past this house sometimes with the dog. I know the last letter is flipped up so you can't see it, but I think it's safe to assume that these people are fans of "PEACE" as opposed to "PEACH". Or maybe not. Might have to check back later.

30 April 2012

April 30 - "Something That Makes You Sad"

That's right, it makes me kind of sad that today, being April 30th, is the end of the "Photo A Day Challenge". (Please forgive the shameless plug for Kaiser's Storage in this picture. It does just happen to be the closest paper calendar to me this morning!)

Anywho, thanks to the wonders of the interwebs - my sadness doesn't have to last long. Because a simple Google search lead me to.....

Woohoo! Long live Photo-a-Day-May!!!!!!

Seriously, this thing has been good because whether it's legit or whether it's something trivial and mindless - it has forced me to at least type a few words each day. And I think that has some value. Hope you think so too. :)

29 April 2012

April 29 - "Circle"

This creatively colored picture hanging on our refrigerator signifies that I am part of the circle of friends of a little girl who apparently is very selective with the boys she chooses to warm up to. While my reputation requires me to remain outwardly ambivalent about this accomplishment, it secretly puts a smile on my face. Don't tell anyone. I'd hate to ruin my street cred.

28 April 2012

April 28 - "1pm"

This is what 1pm looks like on the (somewhat cheap feeling, yet still personally meaningful) watch that I recently got, signifying that I've been working for the same health system for the past 10 years. In an era of vocational portability, I'm proud to have staked my claim in one place for my entire career as a paramedic. Lots of cuts to insurance reimbursements and state funding have resulted in layoffs and cutbacks recently, but hopefully they continue to fall in departments other than ours so I can be celebrating another such nominal prize 10 years from now.

27 April 2012

April 27 - "Somewhere You Went"

Tonight we went to Burlap and Bean to see Ryanhood play a cozy little show - which normally would've been good enough, because I love B&B and I love Ryanhood. But this night was even better than it might have been. You see, several months ago they had a little deal where they asked people who they should have come play a show at the shop. So I suggested this wonderful band from Arizona whom I'd recently discovered on Noise Trade.

Sometime in December I learned that the booking manager, Tara, had managed to get Ryanhood to come play. Score! On March 1st, as soon as tickets went on sale, I bought them and reserved the best table in the house. I made a Facebook event and invited all my friends to come out and enjoy this awesome band who largely none of them had ever heard of. A handful of them said they'd come, which made me happy - even though I was hoping to sell the show out.

Then, a couple weeks ago, Christi (my campus pastor who also happens to be a co-owner of Burlap & Bean) asked me if I was getting something special for having been the one who suggested Ryanhood come to town. This was the first I'd heard of perks and benefits, beyond having one of my favorite bands come to one of my favorite venues anyway. She said she'd look into it at their next staff meeting and let me know.

The week before the show, I got an email from Tara saying that my tickets & table for the show were going to be free. Neat. Oh, and I could get to the show an hour early and meet the band and listen to them do their sound check, if I wanted to. WHAT? Um... yes, please.

So we got to B&B tonight at around 6:30pm and there were the guys sitting in the leather arm chairs in the shop, talking to Kyle - the sound guy. "Are you Tim?" Ryan (RYAN green / cameron HOOD) asked  me as I walked over. (I tried my best not to totally geek out.) "Yes. Yes I am. Good to meet you." I made some (probably awkward) small talk and then they went up onto the stage to do sound check. By this point, I was still excited, but past the initial geekdom. Melissa and I sat down on the couch to listen to sound check while enjoying some hot beverages. (Which were on the house. Another perk of my "prize". Free coffee all night long!)

After sound check, Ryan & Cameron came and sat back down and we hung out there for the next 15 minutes or so, just talking. Cameron though I looked familiar, but I assured him this was the first show I'd ever been to. I told them how I'd stolen gotten their album "The World Awaits" from http://www.noisetrade.com/ a year or so ago and quickly become a fan, going on to contribute to their Kickstarter campaign to finance their newest record, After Night Came Sun. (Side note: Their goal was $3,000 - which was pledged within the first couple hours. By the time the week was over, the total was up over $10,000. 340% of the original goal. Is that a testament to fan support or what?) I felt as though it was good conversation, not just me being a creepy stalker fan. (Which was probably for the best. Even though staring blankly and giggling would've been a fun alternative.)

Anyway, it's getting a little late for me to make a long story short, but the crowd of 30 or so that slowly arrived was probably 75% made up of people whom I'd invited. So I spent my evening with some of my favorite people, drinking beers and listening to some incredible music - including all 4 songs that I'd requested on the Ryanhood FB page earlier in the week!

Though I've been to much more "epic" shows (Dispatch at Red Bull Arena - woah!), as well as shows for more well known bands (does Petra count? Okay, so I don't really listen to many well known bands), I think I can honestly say this was the best all around concert experience of my lifetime. Thanks to the wonderful crew of people who own or work for B&B, the fantastic friends who came out to support a band that I love (and that they now love!), and a couple of super talented and genuinely nice guys from Arizona who flew 3/4 of the way across the country for a show at a little coffee shop in the suburbs of Philadelphia!

26 April 2012

April 26 - "Black & White"

This is our railing in front of our house. Since we've moved in (over 2 years ago) it's been painted white. And I've hated it. Because wrought iron railings are just barely tolerable to me when they're black, but plain hideous when they're white. This past Monday my lovely wife finally took matters into her own hands and put the first coat of black paint on it. It'll need a second coat, but hasn't gotten one yet. So for now, it's black and white. (If you look close enough.)

25 April 2012

April 25 - "Looking Down"

Looking down these days I see bright green. That's some hockey tape holding my second toe to my great toe in classic "buddy taping" fashion. Last Wednesday I tried to run up the stairs too quickly and instead kicked the rise of the stairs with my bare foot, thus fracturing the big toe. It hurt a lot. And still hurts a little. But he's doing much better with a little help from his friends. 

24 April 2012

April 24 - "Something You're Grateful For"

Okay, so I could get all philosophical or sweet here but instead I'm gonna keep it real. I am thankful for toilet paper. Having been on backpacking trips before where we tried to "leave no trace" and use pines needles or other such natural alternatives - trust me, TP is king.

23 April 2012

April 23 - "Vegetable"

Sadly Awesomely, this accounted for my vegetable intake yesterday. And that wasn't until 8pm when I went over to watch the Kings / Canucks game with Mr. Randy King.


22 April 2012

April 22 - "The Last Thing You Bought"

After Wednesday night's embarassing 10-3 loss, I officially declared my old, black John LeClair jersey to be bad luck for the Flyers. (Also factoring into the decision - a loss in the Winter Classic and a loss in Newark when we went on a road trip to see the Flyers play the Devils. Both times I was also wearing said Jersey.) So I found a reasonably priced tshirt on eBay and placed my order. I think it was cheaper because they figured JVR wasn't going to play any more this season. But low and behold, the day after I ordered the shirt - he's back in the lineup.

The shirt did not arrive in time for Friday night's game. But there it was in my mailbox on Saturday morning. So I wore it today and.... bingo! Destiny! Flyers win. Pens go home. And while this is not proof that this shirt is good luck, I am at least hopeful that it's not bad luck. Only time will tell as the playoffs move into round 2.

21 April 2012

April 21 - "Bottle"

So I opened up the recycling bin a couple days ago and this was sitting in there. That's right - it's a bottle of Sam Adams wrapped in a KFC bag. And it was mine. This was (obviously) too awesome not to share for this photo of a month thing, so I broke form slightly and am publishing a photo that wasn't taken today. You're welcome.

20 April 2012

Apri 20 - "Something You Drew"

I tend to see pictures when I actually take time to sit and pray. Sometimes I write them down. Sometimes I draw them. This is from a couple weeks ago. It actually made sense to someone. Go figure.

19 April 2012

April 19 - "Orange"

For quite some time, as I walk the dog, I see these little orange signs on various front lawns in my 'hood. They say "Vivint". I never had a clue what they were for. To me, it sounds like a lawn care place. So while looking for something orange to take a picture of, I finally got down to looking up what the heck this company is. As it turns out, they provide the following services - home automation, solar energy and home security systems. I suppose all these houses around us might be on the cutting edge of technology... but no, I'm going to go ahead and say they've all just got the security system. I've got a Jessie. It's cheaper and also keeps me warm.

18 April 2012

April 18 - "Hair"

This is my hair. It's there. You just have to look really close. Like 1/16 of an inch close. Possibly 1/32.

17 April 2012

April 17 - "Something You Don't Like"

Okay, I know I usually don't get involved in sporting matters on the social media front. But after Sid the Kid  24 year old, grown ass man so eloquently stated on Sunday how he doesn't like anyone on the Flyers based on the fact that he doesn't like them (huh?), this just seemed like a no brainer. And while I don't share the enthusiasm of the classy Philly fan behind him in this picture - I still don't like him. Never have, probably never will. Sorry friends in Pittsburgh.

16 April 2012

April 16th - "Flower"

I don't know what kind of flowers these are, but apparently they smell good. I say this because Jessie stops to smell them everyone time we walk past this yard. Not like a typical dog "do I want to pee here?" sniff, mind you. She literally just stands there smelling them in several different spots for a minute and then keeps on walking. But she stops to smell the flowers. Life lessons from an effing dog.

15 April 2012

April 15th - "Sunset"

I couldn't get a good view of a sunset whilst at work because we had a call right when we got it. Lame, right? So this stock photo from my awesome PC will have to suffice. (Yes. This is cheating.)

14 April 2012

April 14 - "How You Feel Today"

Itchy. Blurry. Red. Puffy.

Yay tree pollen.

13 April 2012

April 13th - "Something you found"

I went to the wildlife refuge today in hopes of actually finding something. Nothing interesting presented itself, though. So please accept this somewhat lame substitute. I found that they are rebuilding a dock that Jessie and I used frequently up until Hurricane Irene washed it away last September. This is a good find, because this dock is a wonderful place to watch baby turtles sunning themselves on the rocks.

12 April 2012

April 12th - "Stairs"

I tend to walk the dog in the back alleys of our neighborhood and there are all manner of steps to nothing in particular. Not exactly on the level of the Winchester House, mind you, but still. I guess those unable to walk up a 4 foot fill still want to be able to enjoy an afternoon on their tiny lawn. Or something.

11 April 2012

April 11th - "where you ate breakfast"

Breakfast is pretty much the only meal of the day that I consistently eat at the table. Even if it is cluttered with mail, books and some new sweat socks.

10 April 2012

April 10th - "Cold"

They were handing out these free ice packs at the Devils/Flyers game we went to with the Kings back in March. It's a convenient little size, which is the only reason I will tolerate the Devils logo being anywhere in my house. Go Panthers.

09 April 2012

April 9th - "Younger You"

Younger me liked to underline stuff in his bible(s). Very neatly. But it became more about how it looked than what I was actually underlining. So older me just reads now and saves the underlining for more scholarly types.

08 April 2012

April 8th - "Inside Your Wallet"

I wonder how many people doing this picture thing posted pictures of their credit card numbers without even thinking about it. I didn't.

07 April 2012

April 7th - "Shadow"

If it weren't Easter weekend and somewhat busy around here, I probably would've found a more creative way to express this. But anyway, this is Jessie. She is my shadow as often as it is possible for her to be so. Sometimes I find it charming, like when we go walking for miles without a leash. Sometimes I find it annoying, like when I just got done working overnights and all I want to do is sleep but all she wants to do is go walking for miles.

06 April 2012

April 6 - "Lunch"

As evidenced by the open netbook in the background, I was unaware of today's topic beforehand. Otherwise I would've tried to make lunch something fancier than some southwest eggrolls from Lean Cuisine and a can of Sierra Mist Cranberry (aka: Holiday Hawk) leftover from 4 months ago. Oh well.

05 April 2012

April 5 - "Tiny"

This tiny bit of copper pipe probably would've cost a couple hundred dollars to have replaced. Luckily, we've continued to renew our home warranty for our first couple years of home ownership - so today it "only" cost our $75 deductible.

The man in me believes that I should have been able to effect such a simple repair on my own. But then I remember what my dad says every time I ask if I can change the oil in my car at his shop: "I'll change your oil, you can start the IV's." The Home Depot mindset today has everyone believing that they can do any repair they put their mind to. But if everyone does all their own home repairs, how are the skilled craftsmen and repairmen supposed to make a living? I suppose we could argue for hours on both sides. But as for me, I have leak free plumbing once again with relatively little pain in the pocket and now I still have the rest of the day ahead of me. God bless you, kind plumber.

04 April 2012

April 4 - "Someone Who Makes You Happy"

This is kind of cheating, because this photo has already been on Facebook for several weeks. But it's such a good one! It deserves more play.

03 April 2012

April 3rd - "Mail"

Upon first glance, this might seem pretty unremarkable. The fantastic part about this image, however, is that this pile of mail arrived at my home today and is addressed to various former residents of same. I wish there was some sort of moratorium on mail delivery after a certain period of time has passed since you've lived at a given address. Because we've lived here for 2 years and we're still getting mail for the couple that originally lived in this house but moved out some 10 years ago. Seriously.

02 April 2012

April 2nd - "Colour"

Today's colour is: green! I mean, it's spring, right? I love the infusion of green at this time of year - though as an allergy sufferer (particularly as a result of tree pollen) it's often a miserable time. Thankfully, there is Zyrtec. (PS: Bonus points if you can identify this greenery.)

01 April 2012

April 1st - "Your Reflection"

Initially I thought to go take my picture in a puddle from the weekend rain. Alas, the spring sun of the past two days has dried up all of the puddles in my immediate area. So, instead, I went with the time tested "reflection of a reflection" shot. This configuration of mirrors is what I use every Friday to cut my hair. Aren't you glad you know that?
I was just criticizing myself for not really posting anything fun and/or worthwhile on my blog for a while when I saw this on the wonderful blog of Ms. Emma Orbin:

Now this is something I can get behind (if only because my anglophile side loves the spelling of "colour") and can fill up my blog for the next several days to boot!

Hopefully I actually be good about doing it each day. Here's to creativity!