10 May 2012

May 10 - A Favourite Word

Two days this week with a picture of text. Sorry.

This post will be equal (or less than equal) parts truth and snark. FYI.

I like the word "sincerely". I went through a phase of writing letters to people, mostly because I got tired of how simple emails were. You could type them without thought. So instead of meaning something, it basically ended up being an endless stream of consciousness where you ended up knowing EVERYTHING going on in someone's life instead of hearing actual intelligent thoughts.

A good portion of the letter I wrote were to my friend Sarah, who as chance would have it was studying abroad in France. I signed some, if not most, of the letters with the word "sincerely" - because those letters were just that; sincere. I thought long and hard about what I wrote - not with any ulterior motive or goal in mind, other than communicating with a friend in a far away place.

So what brought the word "sincerely" to mind today? Why, it was a letter - which is what this picture is of. It was written to inform me that my rear driveway (which I already spent $20 fixing potholes in a couple weeks ago) is "violation of the Driveway Ordinance" and must be fixed within 45 days, or I'll receive a citation. Did I mention this "sincere" letter starts off as most deeply personal things do: "Dear Propert Owners." My heart is touched.

So yes. I like sincerely. I like it better when it's applied properly... nay, sincerely.

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