12 May 2012

May 12 - "Something That Makes You Happy"

In the past, whether shoveling snow or mowing the lawn, I'll put in the extra 5 minutes and clear the back alley for our neighbor Bob. Bob's a truck driver and often gets up very early or works very late - sometimes both. I don't do this extra work because I want praise for it - in fact, I probably would feel really awkard if it was ever actually acknowledged to my face. It's just something I can do to be a good neighbor and show a little Jesus.

Today, I woke up knowing that I needed to mow the lawn. As I got my shoes on, I was trying to decide whether I wanted to do the back bit (which really needed it) first or second. Then as I went out the back door to fetch the lawn mower - I saw that I didn't have a decision to make. Because Bob had apparently mowed our back lawn this morning when he did his. And you know, that genuinely made me happy. Not just because it meant that I didn't have to do it, but also because it means that our neighbors do notice the little things and they think enough of us to return the favor.

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